Updated readme, minor fixes

This commit is contained in:
Gerrit Beine 2024-09-09 14:39:40 +02:00
parent f88a555402
commit 12d35e9c23
3 changed files with 91 additions and 51 deletions

View file

@ -59,22 +59,25 @@ Each configuration option is also available as command line argument.
- copy ```fronius2mqtt.conf.example```
- configure as you like
| option | default | arguments | comment |
| `mqtt_host` | 'localhost' | `-m`, `--mqtt_host` | The hostname of the MQTT server. |
| `mqtt_port` | 1883 | `--mqtt_port` | The port of the MQTT server. |
| `mqtt_keepalive` | 30 | `--mqtt_keepalive` | The keep alive interval for the MQTT server connection in seconds. |
| `mqtt_clientid` | 'fronius2mqtt' | `--mqtt_clientid` | The clientid to send to the MQTT server. |
| `mqtt_user` | - | `-u`, `--mqtt_user` | The username for the MQTT server connection. |
| `mqtt_password` | - | `-p`, `--mqtt_password` | The password for the MQTT server connection. |
| `mqtt_topic` | 'fronius' | `-t`, `--mqtt_topic` | The topic to publish MQTT message. |
| `mqtt_tls_version` | 'TLSv1.2' | `--mqtt_tls_version` | The TLS version to use for MQTT. One of TLSv1, TLSv1.1, TLSv1.2. |
| `mqtt_verify_mode` | 'CERT_REQUIRED' | `--mqtt_verify_mode` | The SSL certificate verification mode. One of CERT_NONE, CERT_OPTIONAL, CERT_REQUIRED. |
| `http_host` | 'localhost' | `--http_host` | The address of the HTTP server. |
| `http_port` | 8080 | ``--http_port`` | The port of the HTTP server. |
| `timestamp` | - | `-z`, `--timestamp` | Publish timestamps for all topics, e.g. for monitoring purposes. |
| `verbose` | - | `-v`, `--verbose` | Be verbose while running. |
| - | '/etc/fronius2mqtt.conf' | `-c`, `--config` | The path to the config file. |
| option | default | arguments | comment |
| `mqtt_host` | 'localhost' | `-m`, `--mqtt_host` | The hostname of the MQTT server. |
| `mqtt_port` | 1883 | `--mqtt_port` | The port of the MQTT server. |
| `mqtt_keepalive` | 30 | `--mqtt_keepalive` | The keep alive interval for the MQTT server connection in seconds. |
| `mqtt_clientid` | 'fronius2mqtt' | `--mqtt_clientid` | The clientid to send to the MQTT server. |
| `mqtt_user` | - | `-u`, `--mqtt_user` | The username for the MQTT server connection. |
| `mqtt_password` | - | `-p`, `--mqtt_password` | The password for the MQTT server connection. |
| `mqtt_topic` | 'fronius' | `-t`, `--mqtt_topic` | The topic to publish MQTT message. |
| `mqtt_tls` | - | `--mqtt_tls` | Use SSL/TLS encryption for MQTT connection. |
| `mqtt_tls_version` | 'TLSv1.2' | `--mqtt_tls_version` | The TLS version to use for MQTT. One of TLSv1, TLSv1.1, TLSv1.2. |
| `mqtt_verify_mode` | 'CERT_REQUIRED' | `--mqtt_verify_mode` | The SSL certificate verification mode. One of CERT_NONE, CERT_OPTIONAL, CERT_REQUIRED. |
| `mqtt_ssl_ca_path` | - | `--mqtt_ssl_ca_path` | The SSL certificate authority file to verify the MQTT server. |
| `mqtt_tls_no_verify` | - | `--mqtt_tls_no_verify` | Do not verify SSL/TLS constraints like hostname. |
| `http_host` | 'localhost' | `--http_host` | The address of the HTTP server. |
| `http_port` | 8080 | ``--http_port`` | The port of the HTTP server. |
| `timestamp` | - | `-z`, `--timestamp` | Publish timestamps for all topics, e.g. for monitoring purposes. |
| `verbose` | - | `-v`, `--verbose` | Be verbose while running. |
| - | '/etc/fronius2mqtt.conf' | `-c`, `--config` | The path to the config file. |
## Disclaimer
@ -88,3 +91,15 @@ Use with care ond only if you know what you're doing.
- Authentication support
- Support for new Fronius API
## Running fronius2mqtt
I use [systemd](https://systemd.io/) to manage my local services.
## Support
I have not the time (yet) to provide professional support for this project.
But feel free to submit issues and PRs, I'll check for it and honor your contributions.
## License
The whole project is licensed under BSD-3-Clause license. Stay fair.

View file

@ -11,9 +11,6 @@ import paho.mqtt.client as mqtt
from bottle import request, route, post, run
mqtt_client = None
daemon_args = None
verify_mode = {
@ -27,6 +24,10 @@ tls_versions = {
mqtt_client = None
daemon_args = None
def extract_request_body():
body = request.body
string = body.getvalue().decode('utf-8')
@ -181,19 +182,27 @@ def logdata_data(device):
return "OK"
def start_mqtt():
def init_mqtt():
logging.debug('Starting MQTT')
global daemon_args
mqtt_client = mqtt.Client(mqtt.CallbackAPIVersion.VERSION2)
cert_reqs = verify_mode[daemon_args.mqtt_verify_mode] if daemon_args.mqtt_verify_mode in verify_mode else None
tls_version = tls_versions[daemon_args.mqtt_tls_version] if daemon_args.mqtt_tls_version in tls_versions else None
mqtt_client.tls_set(cert_reqs=cert_reqs, tls_version=tls_version)
mqtt_client = mqtt.Client(mqtt.CallbackAPIVersion.VERSION2, daemon_args.mqtt_clientid)
if daemon_args.mqtt_tls:
cert_reqs = verify_mode[daemon_args.mqtt_verify_mode] if daemon_args.mqtt_verify_mode in verify_mode else None
tls_version = tls_versions[daemon_args.mqtt_tls_version] if daemon_args.mqtt_tls_version in tls_versions else None
if 'mqtt_ssl_ca_path' in daemon_args:
mqtt_client.tls_set(daemon_args.mqtt_ssl_ca_path)#, cert_reqs=cert_reqs, tls_version=tls_version)
elif cert_reqs is not None and tls_version is not None:
mqtt_client.tls_set(cert_reqs=cert_reqs, tls_version=tls_version)
logging.error("Invalid TLS configuration.")
if daemon_args.verbose:
if daemon_args.mqtt_user is not None and daemon_args.mqtt_password is not None:
mqtt_client.username_pw_set(daemon_args.mqtt_user, daemon_args.mqtt_password)
mqtt_client.connect(daemon_args.mqtt_host, daemon_args.mqtt_port, daemon_args.mqtt_keepalive)
return mqtt_client
@ -226,34 +235,35 @@ def parse_args():
parser.add_argument('-t', '--mqtt_topic', type=str,
help='The topic to publish MQTT message. Default is fronius')
help='Use SSL/TLS encryption for MQTT connection.')
parser.add_argument('--mqtt_tls_version', type=str,
help='The TLS version to use for MQTT. One of TLSv1, TLSv1.1, TLSv1.2. Default is TLSv1.2')
parser.add_argument('--mqtt_verify_mode', type=str,
help='The SSL certificate verification mode. One of CERT_NONE, CERT_OPTIONAL, CERT_REQUIRED. Default is CERT_REQUIRED')
# parser.add_argument('--mqtt_ca_cert', type=str,
# help='The path to the SSL CA certificate. Optional, no default')
# parser.add_argument('--mqtt_certfile', type=str,
# help='The path to the SSL certificate file. Optional, no default')
# parser.add_argument('--mqtt_keyfile', type=str,
# help='The path to the SSL key file. Optional, no default')
# parser.add_argument('--mqtt_keyfile_password', type=str,
# help='The path to the SSL key password. Optional, no default')
parser.add_argument('--mqtt_ssl_ca_path', type=str,
help='The SSL certificate authority file to verify the MQTT server.')
help='Do not verify SSL/TLS constraints like hostname.')
parser.add_argument('--http_host', type=str,
help='The address of the HTTP server. Default is localhost')
parser.add_argument('--http_port', type=int,
help='The port of the HTTP server. Default is 8080')
parser.add_argument('-c', '--config', type=str,
help='The path to the config file. Default is /etc/fronius2mqtt.conf')
parser.add_argument('-z', '--timestamp',
help='Publish timestamps for all topics, e.g. for monitoring purposes.')
parser.add_argument('-c', '--config', type=str,
help='The path to the config file. Default is /etc/fronius2mqtt.conf')
parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose',
@ -284,19 +294,16 @@ def parse_config():
daemon_args.mqtt_password = data['mqtt_password']
if 'mqtt_topic' in data:
daemon_args.mqtt_topic = data['mqtt_topic']
if 'mqtt_tls' in data:
daemon_args.mqtt_tls = bool(data['mqtt_tls'])
if 'mqtt_tls_version' in data:
daemon_args.mqtt_tls_version = data['mqtt_tls_version']
daemon_args.mqtt_tls = data['mqtt_tls_version']
if 'mqtt_verify_mode' in data:
daemon_args.mqtt_verify_mode = data['mqtt_verify_mode']
# if 'mqtt_ca_cert' in data:
# daemon_args.mqtt_ca_cert = data['mqtt_ca_cert']
# if 'mqtt_certfile' in data:
# daemon_args.mqtt_certfile = data['mqtt_certfile']
# if 'mqtt_keyfile' in data:
# daemon_args.mqtt_keyfile = data['mqtt_keyfile']
# if 'mqtt_keyfile_password' in data:
# daemon_args.mqtt_keyfile_password = data['mqtt_keyfile_password']
daemon_args.mqtt_tls = data['mqtt_verify_mode']
if 'mqtt_ssl_ca_path' in data:
daemon_args.mqtt_ssl_ca_path = data['mqtt_ssl_ca_path']
if 'mqtt_tls_no_verify' in data:
daemon_args.mqtt_tls_no_verify = bool(data['mqtt_tls_no_verify'])
if 'http_host' in data:
daemon_args.http_host = data['http_host']
if 'http_port' in data:
@ -309,9 +316,16 @@ def parse_config():
def main():
global daemon_args, mqtt_client
# Configuration
daemon_args = parse_args()
mqtt_client = start_mqtt()
# Verbosity
if daemon_args.verbose:
# MQTT connection
mqtt_client = init_mqtt()
# HTTP server

View file

@ -1,6 +1,17 @@
"mqtt_host": "localhost",
"mqtt_port": "1883"
"mqtt_port": "keepalive"
"mqtt_clientid": "fronius2mqtt"
"mqtt_user": "fronius2mqtt",
"mqtt_password": "t0p_s3cr3t",
"mqtt_topic": "fronius",
"mqtt_tls": "false",
"mqtt_tls_version": "TLSv1.2",
"mqtt_verify_mode": "CERT_NONE",
"mqtt_ssl_ca_path": "/etc/ssl/myca.pem",
"mqtt_tls_no_verify": "false",
"http_host": "",
"http_port": 80
"http_port": 80,
"verbose": "false"